1. Modelling of Present-Day sedimentary environments
2. Enviromental quality assesment of eedimentary environments
3. Bathimetry
4. Thematic maping gis/xis.
5. Environmental susceptibility mapping.
6. Multibeam
7. Side scan sonar
8. Sub-bottom profiler
9. Dredge: Shipeck, Van Veen, box-corer
10. Piston and gravity corers
11. Grain size analyisis (sieving, nephelometry and laser)
12. SEM/BS determination of general texture, sphericity roundnessand quartz surficial texture
13. Colour (Spectrophotometry)
14. Density
15. Magnetic properties: susceptibility and remanence
16. Gamma density
17. Vp
18. Resistivity
19. Total inorganic carbon
20. Total organic carbon
21. Elemental analysis of marine samples
22. Heavy metal assesment
23. Mineral characterization by x-ray difraction
24.Thin section characterization of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks by optical and electron microscopy (SEM).
25. Mineralogy diagnosis by x ray difraction
26. Currents and waves measurements
27. Measurement of beach profile and planform
28. Wave modeling
29. Beach equilibrium and sediment balance modelling
30. Palaeomagnetic, archaeomagnetic and magnetostratigraphic dating
31. Interpretation and calibration of radiocarbon data
32. Pb
33. Cs
34. Evaluation, effects and incidences
35. Remediation measurements.
36. Assessements of environmental risks